October 28, 2019

Muscular Anatomy and VBT

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Muscular anatomy and understanding how to build strength go hand in hand. This post will help explain the mechanisms of muscular contractions from an anatomical perspective, and how the principles and purposes of velocity based training directly relates.


All of the below is meant to give you a very concrete understanding of muscular anatomy and physiology in order to see how it relates to strength training and velocity based training specifically. We spoke in previous posts about force-velocity profiling. Force-Velocity relationships is simply the relationship between the speed at which a muscle length changes (regulated by either external load or other muscles) to the amount of force that same muscle generates. The properties of an individuals’ muscle tissue will dictate what the curve of the Force-Velocity profile looks like, and that curve can again shift by both recruiting more motor units in each contraction, and by increasing the firing rate of each contraction. And those two variables can change by training, and training specifically and with intent, as with velocity based training.

With the immediate and objective feedback given on a VBT unit like Perch, the intent of a lift is quantified in addition to tracked over time. These data points allow coaches a glimpse or baseline understanding of what is actually happening deep within the muscles of an athlete. Providing a number assigned to effort can help athletes understand what muscular contraction feels like at various effort levels and encourage them to be more in tune with their bodies. Training muscles to generate more force is simple, though not easy. Your program needs to teach athletes to:

  1. Recruit MORE motor units for each contraction
  2. Increase the firing rate of an already active group of motor units

With velocity based training technology becoming more commonplace in a variety of strength and sports performance settings, the rate at which this can be achieved is expedited and athletes can maximize their potential. The following will help you understand the why and how muscles contract.


There are four types of muscle contractions:

  1. Isometric Contraction: The muscle generates tension without changing its length
  2. Isotonic Contraction: The muscle generates a consistent tension despite a change in its length.
  3. Concentric Contraction: Muscle tension overcomes the external load opposing it and the muscle shortens as it contracts
  4. Eccentric Contractions: Muscle tension is not greater than the external load opposing it and the muscle lengthens during contraction.


Every skeletal muscular contraction (with the exception of reflexes) originates in the brain. An electrochemical signal is sent through the nervous system to a motor neuron that innervates multiple muscle fibers. The actual anatomy of a single muscle can be seen below:

A layer by layer look at the anatomy of skeletal muscle, adapted from Scientist Cindy [6].
A layer by layer look at the anatomy of skeletal muscle, adapted from Scientist Cindy [6].

From smallest to largest, the layers of muscle tissue are:

Sarcomere: The smallest, most basic and functional unit of a muscle that determines contraction. Consisting of interlocked fibers (actin and myosin) and is responsible for the striations of muscle fibers. Many units live inside a single myofibril.

Myofibril: Long and parallel units of a muscle fiber composed of thick and thin myofilaments (contractile proteins called actin and myosin, and regulatory proteins called troponin and tropomyosin). Surrounded by the sarcoplasmic reticulum (or SR).

Muscle Fiber: Long cylindrical cells containing numerous myofibrils. Surrounded by the sarcolemma. Also known as a muscle cells.

Sarcolemma: The cell or plasma membrane that encloses each muscle fiber.

Endomysium: The smallest piece of connective tissue that encases a singular muscle fiber.

Muscle Fascicle: Bundles of muscle fibers surrounded by the perimysium.

Perimysium: The medium piece of connective tissue that encases multiple muscle fibers in their fascicle structure.

Epimysium: The largest piece of connective tissue, elastic and fibrous sheath that encases the entire muscle, simultaneously allowing it to maintain its integrity and move independently of other tissues and organs nearby.

Fascia: the layer of thick connective tissue that covers an entire muscle and resides over the layer of epimysium.


The neuromuscular junction (also known as the myoneural junction and the motor end plate) is essentially a chemical synapse formed between the contact of a motor neuron and muscle fiber. The most basic unit is called a motor unit which consists of a singular alpha motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it can innervate, this can be seen below:

A rendering of a motor unit, taken and adapted from Gardiner [2].
A rendering of a motor unit, taken and adapted from Gardiner [2].

The motor neuron consists of the soma (cell body), dendrites, a nucleus, an axon (coated in a myelin sheath) and the axon terminal. The axon ends in a synaptic bulb or bouton (on the presynaptic side) which is where the junction or synapses form with a synaptic cleft in between the end of the bouton and the start of the target cell, the postsynaptic side. In skeletal muscle the target cell on the postsynaptic side has series of junctional folds that are coated in receptors. Below is a step by step summary of what happens at the neuromuscular junction:

  1. Action potential travels down the motor neuron causing the synaptic bouton to release neurotransmitter known as Acetylcholine into the synaptic cleft.
  2. Acetylcholine binds to the acetylcholine receptors in the junctional folds on the postsynaptic side.
  3. Once bound, ion channels open and allow positive sodium (Na) ions to flow into the postsynaptic cell. This depolarizes the cell and causes an end plate potential.
  4. The depolarization leads to an opening of voltage-gated sodium (Na) channels, turning the end plate potential into an action potential.
  5. The action potential travels along the muscle fiber and causes a contraction of the muscle fiber through Excitation-Contraction Coupling.
The “architecture of the neuromuscular junction” taken from Gonzalez-Friere et al. [3]
The “architecture of the neuromuscular junction” taken from Gonzalez-Friere et al. [3]


The excitation-contraction coupling is the series of events that takes place on the postsynaptic side summarized step-by-step here:

  1. The action potential triggered by the depolarization of the end plate potential travels through the rest of the sarcolemma across the surface of the cell
  2. The action potential travels into a structure known as T-Tubules which back up against the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
  3. The action potential triggers the release of calcium (Ca) from the terminal cisternae of the SR into the cytoplasm of the cell
  4. The Ca then binds to troponin, which shifts tropomyosin and exposes the myosin-binding sites on the actin.
  5. Myosin heads form cross bridges to the actin and begin the muscular contraction
  6. ATP binds to the myosin heads and causes them to release and reset
  7. Once Ca is pumped back into the SR via enzymatic processes, relaxation occurs
An overview of the excitation-contraction coupling originating at the neuromuscular junction. Adapted from Scientist Cindy [6]
An overview of the excitation-contraction coupling originating at the neuromuscular junction. Adapted from Scientist Cindy [6]


The sliding filament theory refers to the process of muscular contraction at the most basic level. With some overlap to excitation-contraction coupling, we’ll go step-by-step summary here:

The action potential stimulates the release of Ca into the muscle cell

The Ca binds to troponin (previously bound to actin), which clears the tropomyosin strand from the actin, thereby clearing binding sites for myosin.

Once myosin globular heads are bound to available actin sites using ATP configured as ADP + P, a “power stroke” occurs pulling the actin filament toward the center or M-Line

A new ATP then binds to myosin, which causes the cross-bridge formed to detach from the actin site.

The muscle can continue to contract if more ATP is present and can form another crossbridge, or it can relax and Ca will be shuttled back into the SR.


Muscular contractions are controlled by action potentials (as you read above) and can be generally categorized as:

  1. Twitch: A single contraction and relaxation cycle produced within the muscle fiber itself
  2. (Wave) Summation: Occurs when multiple successive twitches are added to produce a larger and stronger muscle contraction
  3. Tetanus: Multiple contractions together to produce a continuous and strong contraction, this can be fused or unfused.
A look at the sliding-filament theory progression: Binding, Bending, Breaking, Bouncing. Copyright Benjamin Cummings 2001.
A look at the sliding-filament theory progression: Binding, Bending, Breaking, Bouncing. Copyright Benjamin Cummings 2001.

It is important to remember that at the very basic level, there are only two ways to change the amount of force generated in skeletal muscle:

  1. Recruit MORE motor units for each contraction
  2. Increase the firing rate of an already active group of motor units

Once all possible motor units are recruited and firing at their maximum rate, you have achieved a 1 Repetition Maximum (1RM). The body will always choose to recruit more motor units than destroy those currently in use if pressured. The length and extent of a contraction can also be regulated by motor unit recruitment through:

  1. Increasing the number of active motor neurons
  2. Activating the smallest/weakest motor units first, followed by larger motor units


At Perch, we are huge proponents of understanding the “why” behind everything. So while we believe velocity based training should be an integral part of every weight room setting to train muscles with precision and enhance overall athletic performance, we think understanding muscular anatomy is important to truly grasp this. Hopefully this was helpful for you as well!


Want to learn more about the basics of VBT? Check out Perch’s VBT Dictionary!

Curious about how muscles grow with VBT? Check out our article on muscle growth and Velocity Based Training!


Keep checking back for more velocity based training content, tips, tricks, and tools. And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter , Instagram and Linkedin and like us on Facebook .


  1. Baechle, T., Earle, R., & National Strength & Conditioning Association (U.S.). (2008). Essentials of strength training and conditioning (3rd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  2. Gardiner, P. (2011). Advanced neuromuscular exercise physiology (Advanced exercise physiology series). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
  3. Gonzalez-Friere, M., Rafael, de C., Stephanie, S., & Luigi, F. (2014, August). The Architecture of a Neuromuscular Junction. Retrieved October 23, 2019, from https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-architecture-of-a-neuromuscular-junction-NMJ-A-B-The-NMJ-is-composed-of-three_fig1_265056822.
  4. Gray, H., Williams, P., & Bannister, L. (1995). Gray’s anatomy : The anatomical basis of medicine and surgery (38th ed. / ed.). New York: Churchill Livingstone.
  5. Scanlon, V., & Sanders, T. (1999). Essentials of anatomy and physiology (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
  6. Scientist, C. (n.d.). Muscles and Reflexes Lab. Retrieved October 23, 2019, from https://www.scientistcindy.com/muscles-and-reflexes-lab.html.

Updated on May 23, 2024

Perch Install at the University of Georgia Football

"It just gives us the chance to give athletes autonomy. They come in the weight room and doing it their own. It's amazing how quick they pick up on the technology."

Perch Install at UPenn

"Penn in the Ivy League is the intersection of Peak performance and Peak academic stressors, we need a solution for stressors they receive in both of those environments. Perch allows us to do that by providing data-driven solutions."

Perch Install at UNC Football

"The ability to track guys instantaneously and to analyze their movement patterns through technology in the weight room has been fantastic."

Perch Install at University of Maryland Football

"The equipment, the technology, the Perch and the velocity-based training, I think it's been the single biggest influence on our program. It's given a whole new dynamic to our training because it's a new level of focus for our athletes."

Perch Install at McHenry High School

"What I loved about it there was no tether to have the camera be mounted in the rack where I can focus on the athlete and coaching. It's very user-friendly and so their ability to engage and get feedback has been phenomenal."

Perch Install at Kansas State

"Working with Perch has been a breath of fresh air, from day one, they provided us with Gold Standard customer service."

Perch Install at Hebron Christian Academy

"It's relatively seamless for the athletes. At the same time, I get really accurate objective data. I can literally take models of training and produce evidence that those models of training do or don't work."

Perch Install at Wake Forest University

"The team's been awesome. Got everything installed, all our guys were able to get around them, ask questions, get right into it and hit the ground running day one."

Video Description

Scott Sinclair

University of Georgia

Head of Strength & Conditioning Coach

Video Description

Cory Walts

University of Pennsylvania

Director of Strength & Conditioning

Video Description

Brian Hess

University of North Carolina

Head Strength & Conditioning Coach — Football

Video Description

Ryan Davis

University of Maryland

Director Strength & Conditioning — UMD Football

Video Description

John Beerbower

McHenry High School

Director Strength & Conditioning

Video Description

Trumain Carroll

Kansas State University

Director Strength & Conditioning

Video Description

Spencer Arnold

Hebron Christian Academy

Director Strength & Conditioning

Video Description

Chad Bari

Wake Forest University

Director of Football Sports Performance


Further Reading

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The Essential Role of Non-Invasive Weight Room Technology

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The Importance of Pre-Workout Evaluation and Jump Assessments: Unlocking Athletic Potential

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Perch PLAN

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NBA's Nets, Pistons, Heat and Magic using Perch's AI-powered weight training platform

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Jacob Rothman revolutionizing sports industry with Perch

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Perch Raises $4 Million Funding Round

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Quantify Weight Room Performance - Perch

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Perch Raises $4m For 3d Strength Tracking

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Perch Is Changing The Game Of Velocity-based Training

Dubbed as an “invaluable addition” to their training program by the Orlando Magic, weight training platform Perch has pulled in a number of new users in NFL and NCAA football and basketball teams. Among those teams include the New England Patriots, Pittsburgh Steelers, Baylor Bears (Men’s Basketball), and North Carolina Tar Heels.

Tracking Fatigue With VBT

VBT can be used in tracking fatigue to understand athlete performance on a daily basis. When used consistently, it can be a great roadmap!

Spotlight: Perch Offers A New Type Of Fitness Tracker

Tech entrepreneurs are disrupting the fitness industry in a number of ways. One of the most prominent is the production of devices that can measure steps and other vitals. But these are often geared more toward cardio exercises. Now, Perch offers something similar for strength training exercises. Read about this new innovation in this week’s...

VBT And On-field Performance

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VBT and Movement Quality

Movement quality is incredibly important in athletic development and return to play protocols. VBT and movement quality can go hand in hand!

Using VBT To Predict 1RM

Testing 1RMs is a time consuming process. Using VBT and a simple calculation, you can understand predictions for athlete 1RM during sessions

Developing Power

Power is arguably the best single measure of an athlete’s overall performance. Learn about developing power optimally using VBT here!

Training Like The Pros: Glenbrook South Using Mit-developed Tech

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Eccentric Training

Eccentric training can help keep athletes healthy and efficiently train them too! Using VBT technology to monitor eccentric training can help

Paralysis by Analysis

Weight room technology can sometimes be daunting. With VBT devices made to help coaches, you don't have to experience paralysis by analysis!

To Protect And Progress: Glenbrook South Student-athletes Lifting Faster, Smarter, Thanks To New Weight Room Tech

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Velocity Drop and VBT

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Exclusive: Saints Install Perch’s 3D Camera Technology

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How the Saints are using 3D cameras and motion tracking in the weight room to gain an edge

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Terps Install 3D Cameras On Weight Racks To Assure Safe Lifting

The University of Maryland Terrapins football team installed 3D cameras on its weight racks this month to help student-athletes lift safely. The cameras track their movements and help the players achieve proper form. This could reduce the risk of lifting injuries. The technology, called Perch, was developed by a former varsity athlete at the...

How Muscles Grow and VBT

Understanding muscle growth can help us understand why VBT is useful on an anatomical level. Improving performance starts with knowledge!

LSU Football Trainer Jack Marucci Transitioning to Director of Performance Innovation

LSU is in the market for another key position on its staff. On Wednesday the program announced that longtime Director of Athletic Training Jack Marucci, would be transitioning to a new role within the athletic department. Marucci will take over as Director of Performance Innovation for the program, where his primary focus will be to hone in on...

Meet Perch, the new weight room staple that’s becoming a game-changer in the SEC and beyond

Jacob Rothman wasn’t a massive college football fan. He was just your standard MIT graduate/ex-college baseball player who wanted to change the way people lifted weights. But when longtime LSU strength and conditioning coach Tommy Moffitt made the Tigers the first collegiate or professional sports team to roll the dice on Rothman’s new...

Perch Weight Room Tech Added to More NFL, College Football Facilities

The Jacksonville Jaguars, Seattle Seahawks, Ole Miss Rebels and Georgia Bulldogs are the newest professional and college football teams to equip their exercise facilities with Perch, an AI-backed weight training platform that tracks performance during workouts. Those teams join the New York Giants, Tennessee Titans, Miami Dolphins and LSU Tigers...

Weight Room Technology Boosts Sports Performance

In weight rooms across the country, top-flight sports teams are generating data from student-athletes beyond just how much weight is on the bar and how many times they can lift it. "Right now, you go to the weight room and you lift weights, the information you have access to is your sets, your reps and how much weight you moved," says...

MIT spinoff brings artificial intelligence to the weight room

In January, 2019, a Cambridge startup called Perch sold the Louisiana State University football team on a new weight training system that uses video cameras and artificial intelligence software to boost athletic performance. One year later, the Tigers won the national championship of college football.

Pro And College Teams Use New Workout Device That Enables ‘Smart’ Weight Racks

Jacob Rothman, a first and third baseman at MIT, herniated a disc in his back while doing a warm-up set of squats during the summer after his freshman year. Though that helped end his baseball career, it helped launch a new technology. He and two fellow MIT students started working on Perch in 2016. With Rothman’s own physical therapy and...

Perch is Reinventing the Weight Rack and Helping Athletes Train Smarter

An MIT-developed technology is helping a growing number of players and coaches – including those in the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, MLS, and Power Five conferences – improve overall performance in the weight room and on the field. Named Perch, the device uses a combination of cameras and machine learning to monitor movements during exercise and enhance...

Enhance a Competitive Atmosphere

How can athletes return to play safely? Learn how athletes can return to a safe and competitive atmosphere with weight room tech and VBT.

Increase Frequency of Training

How can coaches monitor training frequency for safe return to play? Keep athletes healthy, strong, and competition ready with VBT.

Lifting Heavy Weights, Safely

Lifting heavy is necessary, so how do you lift heavy weights safely while developing strength? Learn about safe lifting with VBT.

LSU Football Strength Coach Tommy Moffitt Recaps First Week of Workouts, How Technology Has Helped in Return

Technology like Perch allows coaches and athletes to determine the speed of movement in real time and adjust the weight or exercise accordingly. "Using the velocity-based system we have, Perch, we knew all of the sets and all of the reps and all of the velocities the guys were doing before we left."

Return to Baseline Tests

How can we track long-term athlete progress? See how VBT baseline tests and athlete profiles can help you better understand your athletes.

Velocity Based Training Research Review 5

Join Perch for a velocity based training research review. We will dig into some of the best and most recent VBT research articles!

Precisely Prescribing the Intensity of a Workout

Prescribing the intensity of a workout has never been easier with VBT. Find out how coaches can return athletes to play without the guesswork.

An Inside Look at the Technology That Will Help LSU Football Return to Peak Physical Condition

Discovering a baseline for each athlete—whether it's an incoming freshman or a returning player—is just another way in which the Perch technology will help LSU in the coming weeks as it attempts to get its players back in shape. What Perch allows is for strength coaches like Moffitt and Jacobs, as well as each individual athlete, to find the...

Profiling and Assessing Athletes

Profiling and assessing athletes is important for tracking progress and programming training. Learn how VBT is used to build athlete profiles.

Return to Play from COVID19

How can athletic programs optimize the small training windows they have so that athletes can return to play safely? Find out with Perch.

Guest Blog Post 4: Brandon Golden Part II

ECU baseball coach Brandon Golden joins Perch again to discuss how ECU uses VBT phases throughout the season to reach strength goals.

perch camera on weight rack at MIT

Velocity Based Training Research Review 4

How important is Velocity Based Training to strength development? Join Perch in part four of our research review series on VBT!

man lifting with perch in weight room

VBT for General Population

Curious about how to utilize VBT for general population use? Perch for pt.5 in the series on Velocity Based Training for specific populations.

VBT for Military Personnel

Curious about how to utilize VBT for Military Personnel use? Perch for pt.4 in the series on Velocity Based Training for specific populations.

VBT for High School Athletes

Curious about how to utilize VBT for high school athletes? Perch for pt.3 in the series on Velocity Based Training for specific populations.

VBT for Professional Athletes

Curious about how to utilize VBT for professional athletes? Perch for pt.2 in the series on Velocity Based Training for specific populations.

VBT for College Athletes

Curious about how to utilize VBT for college athletes? Perch for pt.5 in the series on Velocity Based Training for specific populations.

Guest Blog Post 3: Brandon Golden

Brandon Golden joins Perch to discuss how he uses velocity based training with his baseball players for long term strength development!

VBT and Return To Play

Return to play can be difficult. Join Perch in our discussion of how VBT can help return to play be as seamless as possible!

Power and Velocity

Perch provides a guideline with insight as to when a coach could be monitoring power instead of velocity.

Velocity Based Training Research Review 3

How important is Velocity Based Training to strength development? Join Perch in part three of our research review series on VBT!

Velocity Based Training Dictionary: VBT Terminology

VBT terminology can be confusing to newcomers to the strength and conditioning world. Check out Perch's handy VBT dictionary to learn terms!

Optimizing Bar Speed

Optimizing bar speed is a hot topic with VBT. Perch discusses how optimizing bar speed can be taken into account while strength training.

Max Strength and VBT

How can max strength be measured with velocity based training? Perch discusses when and why to use velocity to measure strength.

LSU Is Winning the Weight-Room Arms Race With Real-Time Data

Three weeks after Perch installed units on each of the 22 weight racks at LSU’s indoor football facility on Oct. 1, Tigers coach Ed Orgeron said he noticed differences in his team’s performance on the field. “I think our guys are stronger and quicker and faster,” he said in late October. “I think as the season goes on, there’s not as many...

Velocity Based Training Research Review 2

How important is Velocity Based Training to strength development? Join Perch in part two of our VBT research review series on VBT!

Fatigue Monitoring, Readiness Assessments, and VBT

Fatigue and readiness are important factors to consider when strength training. Perch discusses how VBT assists to assess readiness.

Traditional Periodization and Velocity

Perch examines how periodization and Velocity Based Training can be used together to optimize strength training.

Guest Blog Post 2: Daniel Hicker

San Jose Earthquakes strength and conditioning coach Daniel Hicker discussed his history with VBT and the future of technology in weight rooms

Muscular Anatomy and VBT

Understanding muscular anatomy is vitally important to strength training. Perch examines how muscular anatomy and VBT go hand in hand.

Common VBT Programming Methods

With tech making a home in the weight room, Perch explores different ways that VBT is utilized in strength and conditioning programming!

VBT Research Review 1

How important is Velocity Based Training to strength development? Join Perch in part one of our research review series on VBT!

Periodization and Programming With VBT

Periodization is a huge factor when longterm strength training. Perch explores how Velocity Based Training and periodization work together.

Nervous System Autoregulation and VBT

Perch examines autoregulation of the nervous system and correlation with readiness and fatigue when strength training. #VelocityBasedTraining

Molly Binetti Guest Post

South Carolina Gamecocks sports performance coach Molly Binetti shares her experience with Velocity Based Training in a Perch guest blog post


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